The College is in compliance with Executive Order 11246; Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended by the Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972; Title IX regulation Implementing Educational Amendments of 1972; Section 504, Rehabilitation Act of 1973; the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990; the 1991 Civil Rights Act; the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, as amended; the Vietnam Era Veterans’ Readjustment Assistance Act of 1974; Title 49, the Montana Human Rights Act; and all other federal, state, and college rules, laws, regulations and policies.
It is the policy of Dawson Community College to expressly prohibit any acts or threats of violence or discriminatory misconduct—whether verbal, physical, visual, or through electronic means—by any DCC student, staff, or faculty member against another at any time or place. DCC recognizes that such misconduct interferes with all aspects of its functioning. By this policy, DCC notifies its community that it fosters a safe learning and working environment that supports academic and professional growth of students, staff, and faculty and has zero tolerance for violence or for discriminatory misconduct that is motivated by race, color, ethnicity, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, disability, class, religion, creed, age, marital or relationship status, or political ideas. When incidents occur, the College will hold perpetrators accountable through appropriate disciplinary actions, while respecting the rights of the aggrieved party, in accordance with federal and State laws, the College’s Student Conduct Code, and other applicable College policies.
Each member of the DCC community is responsible for creating an atmosphere free of violence, discrimination, intimidation, and harassment. All DCC members have a duty to report misconduct represented under this policy to the Title IX Coordinator or Human Resources Director.
DCC prohibits any form of retaliation against anyone affiliated with DCC for reporting violence and misconduct or for cooperating with efforts to investigate and stop it.
Any student, faculty or staff member with questions or concerns about sex discrimination or sexual harassment or who believes that he or she has been the victim of sex discrimination or sexual harassment may contact the Title IX Coordinator for assistance. The Title IX Officer is available to discuss options, explain college policies and procedures, and provide education on relevant issues.
Title IX complaints involving student complainants and student respondents will be referred to the Title IX Coordinator for investigation and shall be subject to the Student Code of Conduct.
The Title IX Coordinator for Dawson Community College is:
Joshua Engle
Dawson Community College
300 College Drive
Glendive MT 59330
Tel: 406-377-9491
Location: Main Building, 112
The Deputy Title IX Coordinator for Dawson Community College is:
Daisy Nyberg
Dawson Community College
300 College Drive
Glendive MT 59330
Tel: 406-377-9412
Location: Main Building, 112