Campus Security
Campus Buildings
- Campus buildings are opened by the custodial staff in the mornings prior to the start of classes and are locked by the custodial staff in the evenings when classes are over. The custodial staff will open buildings for special events outside normal class hours when requested to do so by the proper authority (normally the President or his/her designee). Under no circumstances should a student or any member of the campus community prop an exterior door open in order to allow access to someone that they expect to arrive. Avoid providing the opportunity for any unauthorized or unwelcome person(s) to enter buildings during non-business hours. Any custodial staff member should be contacted so s/he knows that someone is in the building or area, and can be notified in case of an emergency.
For the safety of every person on this campus, you must immediately report any time you observe a person who has a weapon on campus, by calling 377-9400 or 377-9406.
Campus Security Policy & Campus Crime Statistics Act
- In November of 1990 the Student Right-To-Know Act was signed into law. This Act mandates that institutions of higher education publish a report, which is made available to both current and prospective students and employees of the occurrences of specific crimes on this campus. In addition to the number of reported specified crimes, the institution must report the number of arrests for liquor law violations, drug use/abuse violations, and weapons violations. The report is made available through the Student Services Office and the Library. In 1998 this act was renamed The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act.
Crime Report
Lost and Found
- The Student Services Office, room 101 in the Main Building, is the central location of Lost and Found. Contact the SSO with:
- a brief description of the item
- location it may have been lost
- your name and phone number
- As items are collected, attempts are made to reunite the owner with the item.
Personal Safety Information
- In coordination with the Student Services, the police department conducts programs for new students during the beginning of each fall and spring semesters. The program includes information about the Clery Disclosure Act, services available to students on campus and off campus, crime prevention information and fire/life safety information. Any other group(s) interested in such a program may arrange for a presentation by calling 377-9491.
- Information regarding personal safety on and off campus is available through the office of Student Services. Programming on topical issues such as sexual assault, stalking, and harassment may be arranged to both on and off-campus students upon request. Community experts on a variety of crime prevention and crime awareness issues may be called upon to jointly present a program to any student group. Staff members are encouraged to take advantage of this information as well and may schedule a large or small group meeting with emphasis on issues of primary concern. Safety-on-campus programs may be presented to students in certain classes, and to staff members upon request. If any person on campus has safety concerns regarding a situation in their life where they have been stalked, harassed, threatened, or abused by a partner, that person should contact the Dean of Student Success 377-9491.
- Police Officers patrol the campus by both patrol car and on foot. With this visibility and approachability, officers may provide a more interactive approach to community support and service, which is a vital component of our community policing efforts.
Reports and Investigations
- All violent crimes and felonies that occur on campus are reported and investigated by the Glendive Police Department. In the event of a violent crime that presents a possible threat of a recurrence on campus or the vicinity, an emergency alert message will be sent through student email, and/or through the local news media to inform the local and campus communities of the situation. In the event that a student is a victim of a sexual assault, that person should report the crime immediately to an on duty employee of DCC, such as housing staff, custodial staff or any employee for immediate response—or call the Glendive Police Department, 377-2364.
DCC and the police department will initiate an investigation immediately and cooperatively for the benefit of the victim. If the assault occurred on campus, a timely warning may be made to members of the campus community through a variety of resources, including the student newspaper or fliers placed into the hands of the students/employees, local media, fliers placed in mail boxes of residence hall students. Deans and directors may also be called upon to inform faculty and staff members if the potential exists for their areas to be impacted by the sexual assault. If the alleged perpetrator and victim live in the same campus building, every reasonable accommodation will be made to change that proximity upon request.
Every effort will be made to protect the victim and respect his/her decision to file a criminal complaint or not. Victims are encouraged to preserve evidence of the crime by not bathing or throwing any relevant item away prior to the onset of the investigation. Victims of sexual assault have the right, in addition to filing a criminal complaint, to utilize the expertise of the community Crisis Line, 365-6074.
On campus, if the assailant is also a student at Dawson, the victim has the right to file a grievance as is outlined in the Student Code of Conduct. This type of complaint will be handled independently of the criminal justice process. A student may wish to receive confidential service from a community mental health center and not file a police report. Even if no criminal investigation is initiated and no law enforcement agency is notified, the confidential report to the mental health counselor will still be included in the annual report as representing an incident, (no other information will be shared—only that an event occurred.)
Report a missing student
- If a roommate or friend determines a student who resides in on-campus housing is missing for 24 hours they need to contact one of these individuals (this process can be set in motion before 24 hours has passed if circumstances warrant):
- Residence Life Professional Staff Member
- A Resident Assistant
- Dean of Student Success
- At that point local law enforcement will be contacted, and that student will be considered missing. If the student in question registered an emergency contact person they will also be contacted. If the student is under the age of 18 at the time they are reported missing their legal guardian will be contacted.
- At this point this is no longer an institutional action, but will be handled by law enforcement.
Residence Halls
- Residence Halls are under the control of the Residence Life Department made up of professional and student staff (see Residence Life Handbook for staff listing). All residence hall occupants are issued exterior door keys. Housing staff is available during scheduled hours for student safety and security issues. Contact information is available in the Residence Life Handbook provided to each resident. Officers from the Glendive Police Department may frequently rove the residence halls with Residence Life staff. Often this is part of a routine safety review of the facility and sometimes it is to offer the opportunity for residents and officers to interact with each other, or to make a report in a less formal manner. There are thirty-six rental units owned by Dawson, which are located next to the main entrance to the campus. Renters of these properties, which are controlled by the Student Services Department, are encouraged to report crimes or suspicious activity to the housing director and staff. The Glendive Police Department and housing staff jointly investigate crimes that occur on these properties. Crimes reported by renters are included in the crime statistics kept by Dawson. Crime prevention information is available upon request and residents are encouraged to review their Student Housing Handbook for general prevention tips and resource information.
Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act
The federal Campus Crimes Prevention Act, enacted on October 28, 2000, requires:
- Registered sex offenders to provide notice, as required under State law, of each institution of higher education where they are employed or enrolled;
- States must make this information available to a law enforcement agency where the institution of higher education is located; and
- Institutions of higher education must advise the campus community where the information on registered sex offenders can be
To search the current names of offenders for sexual offender pictures and additional information, go to:
Sex Offender Information (Search Montana Records)
Policy Statements
- Students should report criminal activities to the Glendive Police Department. Law Enforcement has been advised to report student involvement to the AVP of Instruction & Student Services.
- The campus closes from midnight until 7 a.m. weekdays and is available only on weekends by approved campus and community groups.
- There is no campus Law Enforcement Department. Law enforcement is provided by city, county and state agencies.
- Students and employees are informed yearly at fall orientation about campus security; written publications are available from the Dean of Student Success and in college publications.
- A crime prevention presentation is given to students at fall orientation.
- There are no off campus student organizations.
- DCC is a drug free workplace.
Where to Get Help
- 911 Emergency (fire, police, sheriff, ambulance)
- 377-2364 Glendive Police Department (non-emergencies)
- 377-5291 Glendive Crime Stoppers
- 989-1318 Crisis Line
- 377-6075 Mental Health
- 511 Local Road Report
- 800-332-6171 Montana Statewide Road Report
- 377-9406 President – Main Building: Room 131A
Directory of Health Providers – Glendive
Medical/After Hours/Emergency
- 345-3306 Glendive Medical Center (Hospital & Emergency Room)
202 Prospect Drive
- 345-8901 Gabert Clinic (adjacent to Glendive Medical Center)
107 Dilworth
- 345-8930 Gabert walk-in clinic (5-7 pm weekdays or 10-2 pm Saturdays)
107 Dilworth
- 365-5209 Osco Pharmacy (located inside Albertsons) – 307 North Harmon
- 377-6222 Luke and Meghann Gambee DMD – 106 North Kendrick
- 377-8265 Sandcreek Family Dentistry – 116 North Meade
- 365-8231 Troy Myers, O.D. – 115 West Valentine
Social Services
- 377-6477 Domestic Violence – stalking/sexual assault – 122 West Bell
- 989-1318 Domestic Violence Crisis Line (24hr)
- 377-5213 Dawson County Health Department – 207 West Bell
- 377-2935 Family Planning / HIV Testing – 207 West Bell
- 377-4314 Public Welfare Department – 121 South Douglas
- 377-5942 Drug & Alcohol Program – District II – 119 South Kendrick
Mental Health
- 377-6075 Mental Health Center – 313 Valentine
— Crisis Line (Extension #0)
— Day Treatment (Extension #18)
— Intensive Case Management (Extension #15)
One Health - Glendive - 303 N Harmon, Glendive, MT 59330
Phone: 406-815-5831 - Provides telehealth appointment