Wouldn't it be great if your student could enter college with a semester or two of credits already completed and paid for? It's possible with Dual Enrollment!
Who is eligible?
High school juniors and seniors or other students over the age of 16 that live in one of the high school service areas supported by Dawson Community College.
How much does it cost?
Concurrent Enrollment consists of classes taught at the high school for both college and high school credit. This program is free of charge. Early Start students attend classes taught by the college on campus or online. The cost is half standard tuition and most fees waived.
What courses are available?
For Concurrent Enrollment, each high school offers a different set of Dual Enrollment classes. The high school counselor will know which courses are available each semester for dual credit. Early Start courses offered by the college vary by semester. Current course schedules can be found here.
How can my student apply?
Students should print and fill out the Dual Enrollment Application found here. It can be returned to DCC or the high school counselor. If your student is under 18 years old, you will need to sign it as well.
What is the difference between AP and Dual Enrollment?
For AP classes, your student has to pay for and pass a standardized exam and must achieve a specific score in order to earn credit. Passing AP scores are accepted for different credit amounts or make replace certain lower-level courses, depending upon the college or university. Conversely, Dual Enrollment classes are awarded a grade and college credit. These will be recorded onto your student’s college transcript.
Will my student's credits transfer?
Dawson Community College is fully accredited and we also follow the Montana University System's Common Course Numbering system. This allows our classes to transfer fully throughout the state. Generally, most academic courses in which a student earns a "C" or higher will transfer, but confirm with the university the student will be attending.
How is payment made?
Early Start students will be mailed a bill within the first few weeks of enrollment. The bill can be paid by mailing a check to Dawson Community College (300 College Drive, PO Box 421, Glendive, MT 59330) or by contacting the business office at 406.377.9423 to provide credit card information. Students are responsible for complying with applicable campus payment policies, procedures, and methods. Failure to pay for a course may result in a student being dropped from the course. It may also impede future full-time registration at Dawson Community College.
Will I have access to my student's records?
Students enrolled in courses at both a high school and a postsecondary institution provide a unique situation. While the student record rights under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974 belong to the parents/guardians with respect to high school records, they belong to the student with respect to postsecondary records. As such, instructors and other Dawson Community College staff and administrators will communicate directly with your student on all matters. While a record release can be obtained, DCC strongly encourages parents/guardians of Dual Enrollment students to respect the student's ownership of his/her education record at the college level along with their rights and responsibilities.
How do we access grades and transcripts?
With the student's approval on the Dual Credit/Enrollment Student Authorization for Release of Information form, grades will be released and mailed to parents, the school district, and the high school. Students also have access to their grades and transcripts through our online student information system. A student will need to have their student ID number in order to access the information. Transcripts may also be requested by contacting the campus at 406.377.9400. Transcript fees may apply.
What if my student requires accommodations?
Students taking Early Start courses that may have disabilities for which accommodations may be necessary can request assistance. Contact the Office of the Dean of Academics and Student Affairs at 406.377.9434 to coordinate a request for disability assistance. Accommodations for Concurrent Enrollment students will be made through the high school.
Still have questions?
Contact Mia Snyder, Dual Enrollment Coordinator
406.377.9440 or msnyder@dawson.edu